Seoul International Invention Fair 2021
Silver Prize
Preparation method of forest water map using computer program and the system
5 registered patents
- Preparation Method of Forest Water Map using the Computer Program and System (DOI address)
- Optimal Land Selection Method of Forest Thinning for Water Yield using the Forest Water Map and System (DOI address)
- Detection Method of the Water Saturated Weak Area of Forest Soil for Improving Landslide Danger Map using the Forest Water Map and System (DOI address)
- Identification Method of the Forest with Superior Functions for Water Recharge and Its System (DOI address)
- Evaluation Method of Water Yield Function using the Forest Water Map and System (DOI address)
Volunteer Works
Habitat for Humanity
Served 100+ hours and built 5+ houses
Education Volunteer Club
President & Founder
Server 300+ hours and tutored on math
for low-income students