Yang, H., Lim, H., Moon, H., Li, Q., Nam, S., Choi, B., and Choi, H.T. Identifying the Minimum Number of Flood Events for Reasonable Flood Peak Prediction of Ungauged Forested Catchments in South Korea, Forests, 2023, 14(6): p. 1131.
Yang, H., Lim, H., Moon, H., Li, Q., Nam, S., Kim, J., and Choi, H.T. Simple Optimal Sampling Algorithm to Strengthen Digital Soil Mapping Using the Spatial Distribution of Machine Learning Predictive Uncertainty: A Case Study for Field Capacity Prediction, Land, 2022, 11(11): p. 2098.
Yang, H., Yoo, H., Lim, H., Kim, J., and Choi, H.T. Impacts of Soil Properties, Topography, and Environmental Features on Soil Water Holding Capacities (SWHCs) and Their Interrelationships, Land, 2021, 10(12): p. 1290.
Lim, H., Yang, H., Chun, K. W., and Choi, H. T. Development of Pedo-Transfer Functions for the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Forest Soil in South Korea Considering Forest Stand and Site Characteristics, Water, 2020, 12(8): p. 2217.
Yang, H., Choi, H.T., and Lim, H. Effects of Forest Thinning on the Long-Term Runoff Changes of Coniferous Forest Plantation, Water, 2019, 11(11): p. 2301.
H. Yang, H. T. Choi, and H. Lim. Applicability Assessment of Estimation Methods for Baseflow Recession Constants in Small Forest Catchments, Water, 2018, 10(8): p. 1074.
Yang, H., Choi, H.T., and Lim, H. Hydraulic Relation of Discharge and velocity in Small, Steep Mountain Streams Using the Salt-Dilution Method, Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science, 2018, 107(2): p. 158-165, in Korean.
Yang, H., Im, S., Lee, Q., Eu, S., and Lee, E. Flow Measurement of Mountain Streams Using Salt-Dilution Method, Journal of the Korean Society of Forest Engineering, 2016, 14(1): p. 1-6, in Korean.
Yang, H., Yoon, Y., Min, Y., Son, H., and Park, J.
Original Album – “Forest Dawn”, Play as Vocal, Guitar, and Songwriter, 2022. Available on a lot of streaming services now.
Yang, H., Yoon, Y., Min, Y., Son, H., and Park, J.
Digital single – “Butterfly”, Play as Vocal, Guitar, and Songwriter, Seoul National University compilation album, 2015.
Oral Presentations
Yang, H., Lim, H., Li, Q., Nam, S., Choi, H.T., Kim, J., and Moon, H. “Developing Flash Flood Predictive Model Using LSTM Neural Networks for Mountainous Areas” Proceeding of the International Symposium on Forest Science, Daegu, Korea, Aug. 24-26, 2022.
Yang, H., Lim, H., Choi, H.T., and Lee, J. “Development of Throughfall Simulation Models and Prediction Uncertainty Estimation by Different Forest Stand Characteristics.” EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, May 23-27, 2022. Online.
Yang, H., Lim, H., Choi, H.T., Kim, J., and Nam, S. “Comparing Machine Learning Algorithms for Developing Optimal PTF and DSM Models in South Korea, Joint Symposium on Forest Science.” Seoul, Korea, Feb. 9-10, 2022.
Yang, H., Lim, H., Choi, H.T., and Kim, J. “Identifying the Characteristics of Forest Water Cycle in Different Forest Stands and Rainfall Events.: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Forest Science, Pyeongchang, Korea, Aug. 18-20, 2021. Online.
Yang, H., Lim, H., Choi, H.T., and Kim, J. “Estimating the Spatial Distribution of Forest Soil Water Retention using the Machine Learning Model.” Joint Symposium on Forest Science, Seoul, Korea, Feb. 17-18, 2021. Online.
Yang, H., Choi, H.T., and Lim, H. “Pedo-Transfer Functions (PTFs) Development for the Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Forest Soil, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Forest Science, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 19-20, 2020. Online.
Yang, H., Choi, H.T., and Lim, H. “Hydraulic Properties of Forest Soils in Different Soil Texture.” Proceeding of Summer Meeting of the Korean Society of Forest Science, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 29, 2019.
Yang, H., Choi, H.T., and Lim, H. “Effects of Forest Thinning on the Water Yield Increase Based on the Long-term Rainfall and Streamflow Monitoring.” Joint Symposium of Forest Science, Jinju, Korea, Feb. 20-21, 2019.
Yang, H., Choi, H.T., and Lim, H. “Selection of the Proper Baseflow Recession Constant Estimation Methods for the Reasonable Hydrograph Analysis in Small Forest Catchments.” Joint Symposium of Forest Science, Seoul, Korea, Aug. 29-30, 2018.
Yang, H., Lee, S., and Im, S. “Development of Estimation Formula for the Mean Stream Velocity in Steep Mountain with Salt-dilution Method.” Joint Symposium of Forest Science, Chuncheon, Korea, Feb. 21, 2018.
Poster Presentations
Yang, H., Moon, H., Lim, H., Kim, J., and Choi, H.T. “Expected amount of data accumulation to develop reasonable flash flood predictive models using machine learning approaches.” AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Illinois, USA, Dec. 12-16, 2022. Online.
Yang, H., Lim, H., Choi, H.T., Kim, J., and Nam, S. “A Novel Method for Selecting Priority Soil Sample Sites using Prediction Uncertainty of Machine Learning Model Based on Geospatial Information.” Frontiers in Hydrology Meeting 2022, San Juan, Puerto Rico, Jun. 19-24, 2022. Online.
Yang, H., Lim, H., Kim, J., and Choi, H.T. “Effects of Soil Topographical Properties on the Forest Soil Field Capacity using Machine Learning Approach.” AGU Fall Meeting, Louisiana, USA, Dec. 13-17, 2021. Online.
Yang, H. and Im, S. “Salt-dilution Velocity Prediction in Naturalized Channels: SNU and U. of Tokyo Joint Workshop,
May 9, 2017.
Yang, H. and Im, S. “Flow Measurement of Mountain Rivers using Salt-dilution Method.” The 7th International Symposium of the Asian University Forests Consortium, Furano, Japan, Oct. 11-14, 2016.
A study on the Quantification and Promotion of Forest Water Yield for Sustainable Supply of Freshwater
Calibrate interest parameters and analyze their uncertainties on physical hydrological simulation model via Bayesian approach and Generalized Likelihood Uncertainty Estimation (GLUE), using in situ measurement of the water cycle in different forest stands.
Investigated forest stand characteristics and collected soil samples in a various forested areas
Installed various hydrological instruments and data collection via datalogger, water level gauge, sap flow measure, automatic water sampler, water cycle in forests etc., and collected In-situ dataset
Estimation of forest soil hydraulic characteristics based on the national scale forest geographic information
Soil hydraulic characteristics measurement; soil water holding capacities (using pressure plate), hydraulic conductivity, organic matter, and soil texture analysis
Soil hydraulic properties prediction and its predictive uncertainty estimation on a national scale based on spatial big dataset and machine learning prediction models
Priority sample site selection to strengthen the Digital Soil Mapping (DSM) model for 10 years of the national R&D research project using predictive uncertainty
Long-term monitoring of the flow characteristics in different forest stands and location
Select the optimal sites for water level gauge dam in different forest sites, and measure the sites to install the dam
Construction management of the water level gauge dam
Collect the long-term water level and meteorological data from 52 sites and compare their hydrological characteristics.
Evaluate the effect of forest thinning on the forest water cycle changes based on double mass curves and nonparametric statistics.
Development of forest water management technology to reduce nonpoint source (NPS) pollution
Monitor and collect data on changes in water quality after forest fire and forest thinning as the preliminary stage for analysis.
Construction of big data and development of integrated utilization system on the flash flood in forest watershed
Find the optimal devices and algorithms for the flash flood warning system suited to forested areas
Measured in situ stream velocity when a flash flood has occurred
Develop flash flood prediction models
Hydraulic relation of discharge and velocity in mountain streams using the salt-dilution method
Stream velocity and discharge measurement with the salt-dilution method and developing a model for stream velocity prediction with topographical information and discharge
Choi, H.T., Kim, J., Lim, H., and Yang, H. Standard Manual for Developing Forest Soil Water Map. National Institute of Forest Science: Seoul, South Korea, 2021.
(ISBN: 9791160195859)
Choi, H.T., Kim, J., Lim, H., Yang, H., and Yoo, H. Long-term Monitoring of Forest Catchment Runoff Characteristics by Different Forest Sites and Stands. National Institute of Forest Science: Seoul, South Korea, 2021.
(ISBN: 9791160195514)
Choi, H.T., Kim, J., Seol, A., Jang, J., Jung, S., Kim, S., Lim, H., Yang, H. and Yoo, H., A Study on the Quantification and Improvement of Forest Water Yield for Sustainable Supply of Freshwater. National Institute of Forest Science: Seoul, South Korea, 2021.
Choi, H.T., Kim, J., Lim, H., Yang, H., and Yoo, H. Development and Utilization of the Forest Water Map. National Institute of Forest Science: Seoul, South Korea, 2020.
(ISBN: 9791160194999)
Kim, J., Choi, H.T., Lim, H., Yang, H., and Yoo, H. Analysis on the Current Status of River Survey Methodology for the Effective Investigation of Forest Drought. National Institute of Forest Science: Seoul, South Korea, 2020.
(ISBN: 9791160194913)
Choi, H.T., Lim, H., and Yang, H. Development Method and Application of Forest Water Map. National Institute of Forest Science: Seoul, South Korea, 2019.
(ISBN: 9791160193800)